Wednesday, February 22, 2006

422. Getting invited to eat dinner at friends' house last night.

421. Bethany falling asleep in my arms today.

420. The butterfly light in the kids' room started smoking on Monday night. We caught it before anything became dangerous.

419. Coffee ice cream.

418. Being reminded that patience (perseverance) is developed through suffering. (Romans 5:3)

417. Everyone liked the fruit compote I made for dinner tonight. I was expecting it would be a flop.

416. Words of thanks from someone at church tonight.

415. The kitchen sink is clean and empty again after about a half week of not keeping up with the dishes.

414. Finding a few new blogs that I enjoy.

413. Becoming more grounded and confident in myself. Dealing with the self-esteem thing.

412. Kisses, unprompted, from Lainee several times today. Followed by "I love you"s.

411. Hanging out at MOPS yesterday. Good time just to talk with the ladies.

410. Making it through the day without a nap, even though I stayed up way too late last night.

409. A sure hope. (Romans 5:5)

408. Encouragement coming from someone who has traits similar to some of mine. You know who you are... Thanks!

407. My BFF. Helen. I heart her.

406. Loads of laundry consisting completely of towels. Reduce the laundry pile by 25% without spending half the day folding. Thank God for towels.

405. Healthy kids.

404. Having a picnic in the family room with the kids at lunch time today.

403. Cranking up the music and watching the kids dance on the beds. I stand guard to make sure Bethany doesn't fall off while she does her little shaky, swaying.

402. Jonathan has had a bad cough at night, but the humidifier seems to be helping him get through it without waking up all the time.

401. Noodles, peas, mushrooms, and onions in a cream sauce.

400. Shopping for Paul's birthday - done. (two weeks ahead of time!)

399. A sale on cake mix and frosting AND a coupon, right when I had to buy cake mix for Paul's birthday... and so I picked up cake mix for Lainee's b-day (in April) and I am WAY ahead of the game.

398. Buy one get one free sales.

397. Bethany did great her first time in the nursery at MOPS.

396. Found a good resource about attachment in adoption.

395. Kids who sleep through the night.

394. My hair looked really good on Monday. I don't know how that happened, but I really liked it... and I didn't DO anything to make it look that way.

393. Hearing Bethany giggle when I spun her around on the computer chair this evening.

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