Tuesday, June 06, 2006


1552. Watermelon.

1551. Getting to snuggle with Bethany for a long while after her nap today.

1550. She is standing for longer and longer periods of time (still not very long, but I am so excited for her to be learning new things.)

1549. Bethany laughed over and over and over again when I hit my hand against the dryer. She just laughed so hard! Then she would lay her head on my shoulder, like she was just having so much fun.

1548. Going out with just the two of us for a little while today.

1547. Second-hand stores.

1546. Teddy Grahams.

1545. The kids were slated to go to the neighbors house tonight while I was at a meeting and Paul was golfing. They couldn't wait to go, so we went over a little early. I got out of there so fast, I was able to stop for an ice cream cone ALL BY MYSELF.

1544. Bethany did great at the neighbor's house.

1543. I found a generic version of the Mr. Clean magic erasers.

1542. Patience at dinner time this evening.

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