Saturday, July 29, 2006


Last night, after Bethany was in bed, Lainee summoned Paul, Jonathan, and me into the living room. She sat us all down on the couch and handed each of us handmade presents she had made from paper, glue, and some markers (2130.) She instructed us to open them one at a time. I was to go first. So I opened my purse, as she called it (it was really an envelope she'd made,) and found two pieces of paper folded lengthwise and tied with black ribbon (that she had pilfered from my stash.) As I opened each, she told me what they were. The first was a "measurer" (ruler???) which had numbers listed down it. The second was a drawing of some flowers, which she described to me. After I was done, it was Jonathan's turn. He got a measurer too. He was so excited. "Look, Lainee made me a measurer!" he exclaimed. He seemed genuinely grateful (2131.) He also got a picture of two bugs and a truck. Cute that Lainee tried to draw things she thought he'd like (2132.) On the back was his name and a smiley face. While Paul was opening his presents, Jonathan was telling me "look, mom, these are bugs, and this is a truck." And when we turned it over I said, "Look, your name is on it." Then, pointing to the smiley, he said, "that's me!" He kept thanking Lainee for the gifts (2133.) The whole thing was just too sweet (2134.)

2129. Tonight I got to snuggle with the boy. And that never, never gets old. Never.

2128. Bethany has become quite the snuggler too. She will lay perfectly still if I gently scratch her back or her arms or something. PERFECTLY. STILL.

2127. The kitchen floor has been mopped.

2126. Someone was blessed by something I wrote.

2125. SH said something to me today that blessed my heart.

2124. I found a cucumber growing in the "garden" today. My first one!

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