Sunday, February 26, 2006

462. My day off.

461. I found my quilt stencil.

460. Kibbi.

459. Tiramisu.

458. Helping to set up for the church fellowship.

457. The church fellowship.

456. Knowing that the Lord will carry me through whatever comes ahead, and will equip me for whatever those situations require.

455. Great sermon today about the how hard it really is to love. From Luke 6.

454. Time to pray for our Sunday school class today.

453. Leftovers that we got to take home from the church fellowship.

452. Egg and cheese biscuits from Hardees.

451. Home decorating shows.

450. The book of Titus.

449. The snuggles from my kids today.

448. Lainee had a great time at her first sleep over party.

447. The ladies who helped me carry in two covered dishes and a 22 lb bag of ice tonight so that I could stay with my kids while we waited for the nursery workers to arrive.

446. Seeing the new baby at church for the first time tonight. And seeing that his mom is doing well after having some complications.

445. Hearing that ANOTHER lady at church is pregnant. Yay, babies!

444. The young lady at church who liked the rice dish I made enough to seek me out and tell me so. It was a mix from the store. So funny. But sweet too.

443. My hubby.

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