Friday, February 17, 2006

Check these out:

370. Our car insurance premium just wend down.

369. Family photo night was a relative success. Great pics of Jonathan. Good pics of the whole family (which I think is a miracle, based on the fact that 3/5 of the people in the photo are under the age of five... and very squirmy too.) AND the bonus is that the photographer suggested we take some individual shots of Bethany since our last (four) trips for her portraits yielded NOTHING. Lo, and behold... we got two decent pictures of her.

368. Dropping in, unannounced, on some friends this evening, and getting some good hang out time.

367. Finding a few new blogs that look interesting.

366. I didn't get much accomplished today. And my husband had absolutely nothing to say about it. (Not that he normally does, he just didn't say anything about it, and it was nice.)

365. Just the thought of a cool homeschooling arrangment that I am currently mulling over. It might not even happen... but thinking about it is fun.

364. Rags. The kind you clean up spills with.

363. My Sunday school class.

362. Finishing a book. (This one is pre-posted. I am going to finish it as soon as I am done here.)

361. Starting another book. Hmmm... which one, which one?

360. Pretending to eat Bethany's hand and hearing her laugh with delight.

359. The other day my boy child cracked me up. I started reciting this little rhyme to him that I made up from the nonsense way that I say his name. I kept repeating it. So he started dancing to it. Twirling his hands around, bending his knees, and rocking side to side... all to the beat.

I no longer have a son. I ate him up right after that happened.

358. Lainee loves to make crafts. Sometimes I let this annoy me, because she always wants to make something, and I never have anything for her to make. At least I think I don't. Today, she was totally content to make a castle by gluing popsicle sticks to a piece of paper. Making her happy is really so much easier than I think.

357. Lainee also did my hair today.

356. My ankles stopped hurting.

355. Friends from the blogosphere. Am I the only one who wishes I could meet some of them?

354. My kids love to talk to my mom on the phone.

353. A gift certificate for a free kid's meal at Frisch's.

352. Eating out and the whole family sharing food off of their plate. Normally I am not a fan of this, but for some reason it just made me feel warm inside tonight when we all sat together and kindly shared whatever someone wanted. Toast, pancakes, fries, onion rings, jello, egg, bacon, chicken strips. They all got passed freely to whomever asked.

351. Sarah McGlaughlin. Good music.

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