Friday, April 07, 2006

878. Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut granola bars.

877. Bethany's cute little legs sticking out from her "shorts" today. My mom and I were just talking about her legs today. How skinny they were when we first brought her home. Definitely not like she was malnourished. She was very well cared for. But, as my mom put it, "she just didn't have any extra meat on her bones." She has a little extra now. I could just squoosh her they're so cute.

876. The boy is doing well, despite a high fever.

875. Children's ibuprofen.

874. Lainee was not injured by the glass she shattered this evening.

873. Paul came home early. Yippee!

872. And he brought home my favorite ice cream too.

871. Five years ago today I was resting up in a hospital room, having just delivered my first baby. It's a blessing to see her getting bigger, but it's also a blessing that I am no longer in a hospital room recovering from delivery!

870. I found my engagement ring. In the bottom of the dishwasher. After I had already run a load of dishes. I about jumped out of my pants when I saw it laying there.

869. Rain.

868. So warm today. So, so warm. We wore short sleeves. Windows were opened all day long.

867. Masters highlights tonight. I can't wait.

866. Brandy came over right after I put Bethany down for her nap. She took Lainee to play with her daughter. Jonathan was hanging out on the couch all day, so naturally, I took a nap!

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