Saturday, April 08, 2006

891. Playing with Bethany today. She is initiating peek-a-boo a lot. And she has a cute laugh.

890. Bethany is learning to climb up and down from stairs and low-lying objects.

889. Going for a walk with Lainee today while she rode her bike. We had a fun little game going.

888. A walk later in the day with J and B in the wagon. They'd been inside all day and it was nice to get out with them. And, I could walk as fast as I wanted b/c I didn't have anyone dawdling along on foot.

887. A trip to the craft store with Lainee to pick up some stickers. We just gotta have stickers!

886. Making chalk with the kids.

885. A nap.

884. Kids who all went to bed without a fuss. Yee HAAAAA!

883. Seeing Bethany's face after she eats blueberries.

882. Buds on the trees. (Did I already list this one?)

881. Being with Bethany today during some serious whining and not being bothered by it at all. I realized I wasn't annoyed and thought about how, just a few months ago, that situation would have had me at the end of my rope. Things are changing. God is good.

880. Two kids, one mom, not enough lap space... and neither of them liked it.

879. The plants I transplanted last fall have survived and are making their way out of the soil in the back yard.

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