Monday, April 10, 2006

A lovely day, all around.

Got up with Bethany and hung out watching some TV with her this morning (902.) The kids got up and had breakfast. I got in a load of laundry (903,) started the crock pot (904,) and got the dishwasher emptied, which I didn't get to last night (905.) Started my Breaking Free lesson somewhere in there... I got it finished later in the morning (906.)

Got a call from a wise Christian lady that used to be my Girl Scout leader. I've only seen her a handful of times since I was in high school, so it was a total surprise to hear from her. She reads these here blogs and she decided to call and encourage me. How sweet is that? (907.)

Sent the kids outside because it was so nice out (908.) Pitched their little "tent" and set up the tunnels on the front lawn. I got a blanket out so Bethany could come out with us and I wouldn't have to hold her the entire time. Lainee ran in to get toys for everyone, and set up a toy area on the blanket for each of the kids (909,) which I thought was cute.

Got the two littler ones down for a nap and had a few minutes to read some scripture (910) before Lainee came in wanting to do a craft. Aye, aye, aye, with the crafts. She wanted to make a "hippopatomus treasure keeper."


She saw it on some craft show. But of course she didn't remember how to make it. She just knew it required styrofoam. I convinced her, after several tries, to decorate the flip flops I'd bought for her (911.) I'd bought them specifically for her next "mom, let's do a craft" moment, and was a little bummed that she didn't want to do it!

But we did, and she liked them (912.)

Then the kids were up. Bethany was strangely cuddly. She sat in a lawn chair outside in the sun and she just laid there with her head on my shoulder and let me rub her back (913.) It was the longest she'd ever let me do that... totally still. I started wondering if she was getting sick.

She did a little more snuggling, but then she played on her own for a while (Alleluia!! 914) while I finished getting dinner ready.

After an uneventful dinner, I went grocery shopping. Paul took the kids out, and when I got home they had not yet returned. So, I put away the groceries (915,) emptied the dishwasher (916,) loaded the dishes that were waiting in the sink (916,) and cleaned out the sink (917) all before they got home.

The kids were tired and went to bed like a dream (918.)

And four-packs of play-do were "buy one get one free" at the store tonight (919.)


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