Tuesday, May 16, 2006

1298. A great testimony of faith from one of the MOPS moms today.

1297. Bethany got a cast that will only need to be on for 2 1/2 weeks.

1296. And she does not need to have her arm wrapped to her chest.

1295. I won an $10 certificate to the local grocery store at MOPS today.

1294. And I won a $5 certificate to the bakery too!

1293. My son says "thank you, mommy" a lot.

1292. I found a cute new blouse and a new skirt. And neither of them have black in them.

1291. I got my hair washed and cut last night.

1290. Lainee and Jonathan were SUPER good today while they put the cast(s) on Bethany.

1289. I was patient today.

1288. My husband is mowing the lawn.

1287. I got a cute certificate with the kids hand prints on it for mother's day. It said "World's Greatest Mommy."

1286. And we got to eat dinner at a Chinese restaurant.

1285. Crab Rangoon.

1284. Bethany.

1283. Jonathan.

1282. Lainee.

1281. Pancakes for breakfast on Sunday that I didn't make.

1280. And a cute planter painted by Lainee in her Sunday school class.

1279. I live in a nice neighborhood.

1278. I live in a nice house, for that matter.

1277. We dedicated Bethany to the Lord on Sunday.

1276. And there were a bunch of other parents who did the same with their children.

1275. My church is so awesome. We notified the prayer chain about Bethany's injury. People never stopped asking how she was doing on Sunday morning.

1274. I went grocery shopping last night and got a bunch of stuff for free.

1273. Bethany makes this "smooch" face that is very, very cute.

1272. Today, she was having the greatest time faking me out. She would hold out her snuggler as if she wanted to give it to me. Then, when I would try to take it, she would pull it away. She thought it was so funny.

1271. I thought I would have to endure the suspicions of the orthopedist today because spiral fractures "just don't happen from falling off of a chair." Happily, he did not seem at all suspicious. He didn't even question me about how the injury occurred.

1270. Being goofy on my blog.

1269. Bethany is starting to stand up without holding on.

1268. And one of her molars just popped through.

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