Thursday, May 25, 2006


1400. Last night, after everyone went to bed, I sat out on the porch in the beautiful night air and read my Bible and prayed. Glorious.

1399. I began (well, for all intents and purposes, began) my day with prayer and Bible reading. Glorious-er.

1398. Nine more people made professions of faith last night at our revival. Glorious-EST!

1397. And, go figure, I was much calmer and more patient today.

1396. Heather redid my other blog template. I just love it.

1395. My track coach husband has at least one athlete who has made it to the state meet. This kind of thing makes him super happy.

1394. I cleaned so much junk out of our bedroom today. Vacuumed under the bed and all the baseboards. It feels so nice in there after just one week of Fly Lady "missions."

1393. And I found two shirts I have been looking for. Funny what you'll come up with when you actually clean some stuff up.

1392. I got errands done today, with the kids in tow. Yahoo!

1391. I bought my spiral bound index cards for my prayer "roladex."

1390. And, how cool is it to get $3 off your total just by turning in an empty printer cartridge at Office Depot?

1389. Jonathan: wearing a pull-up since after his nap and kept it dry until bedtime.

1388. Lainee: wearing a halter top with a fleecey winter scarf. That's good stuff, y'all.

1387. On this particular Thursday, I am not dreading Friday.

1386. I did not overeat today.

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