Friday, May 26, 2006


1410. Rain.

1409. Lainee is making progress on her sight words.

1408. Colby Jack cheese.

1407. Every once in a while, a cup of regular joe is a nice thing. I do like coffee.

1406. I happened to have som microwave meals on hand tonight. As it turns out, I needed them.

1405. Keeping my cool during the very inconvenient and sometimes self-sacrificial task of disciplining.

1404. An hour long conversation with a woman from church who was very encouraging and helpful. She even prayed for me when we were done.

1403. Another day of morning scripture reading.

1402. Getting Bethany's bangs cut. It was a wrestling match, but she looks SO much better without all that hair in her eyes.

1401. Jonathan: successful potty training morning. Afternoon - not so much. But the morning was great.

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