Saturday, June 10, 2006


1592. A manicure.

1591. A pedicure.

1590. A 1/2 hour massage. (All a Christmas gift from my BIL. I paid a whole $5, as a tip, and that was it.)

1589. Hanging out with my SILs and MIL for half the day.

1588. Coming home after being gone for 5 hours, and asking my husband if I could take a bath. Then, promptly getting in my jammies and going to bed until 8 pm. I weren't feeling so well. In fact, I was feeling awful. He just told me to sleep and took the kids out for dinner. (I feel much better now.)

1587. Watching Bethany work on standing up.

1586. Watching Bethany play and be happy while the family all lounged around in the living room.

1585. Brocolli cheddar soup at Panera, paid for by my MIL.

1584. Toy Story is on TV tonight. When the commercial came on, Jonathan came in and told me that the movie was over. I love it that he has no clue how "real" TV works.

1583. A change in schedule for next week worked out great for us, and now we won't be needing a babysitter for Tuesday evening.

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