Monday, June 19, 2006


1707. Found the kids' library book that has been MIA.

1706. Getting the van repaired before the trip to CT.

1705. Having money to get the van repaired.

1704. Having a van.

1703. Joking around with kids at VBS.

1702. Coffee when it is cold in the church.

1701. The electric pencil sharpener that I found in one of the Sunday school rooms when I needed to sharpen about 4 dozen pencils.

1700. Corn on the cob.

1699. Hearing Jonathan singing the VBS theme song, complete with echo.

1698. Being reminded that I have skills as a teacher.

1697. Talking to Helen today, for the first time in a few weeks.

1696. A good emery board.

1695. Getting more concrete ideas about what I can do about poverty around the world.

1694. Lainee. My creative-my-stuff-never-looks-like-anyone-else's crafter.

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