Saturday, July 08, 2006


1928. Bethany did me some unusual, but welcomed, snuggling before bed this evening.

1927. She is walking a lot more. I think she is more willing to try now that she is back in the security of her own home.

1926. Paul and I introduced her to the 1-2-3 game tonight. The one in which we walk with her, each holding a hand, and count 1-2-3. Then we lift her up and swing her out in front of us. She was delighted to play, repeatedly.

1925. Visiting with the Quillens.

1924. Helping someone with her chemistry today. Feels good to dust off the ol' noggin and use some of that chemistry knowledge that is buried in there.

1923. Groceries.

1922. Mom called to see how we are all doing. She said that she and dad think their house is too quiet now.

1921. Making play clay, and the sheer delight this simple thing creates in my children.

1920. The strawberries I bought today were really, really good.

1919. The kids TV dinners that were on sale today at the grocery store. I bought three so we could have an easy dinner night while Paul is away.

1918. The smell of kids who have just been bathed.

1917. Jonathan is beginning to animate things when he speaks. Currently, he is into bending at the knees and wiggling them in and out as if he is trying to knock his knees together. It is so funny looking. And it looks even funnier when his shoes are on the wrong feet - which is often, by the way.

1916. I installed a computer game that my mom gave me. It is really cute (some of it is even funny,) and I think the kids enjoy working on it.

1915. OH! I forgot! The tea party we all had at my parents' house. Lainee was beside herself, she was so excited about it.

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