Saturday, August 12, 2006


2288. Icebox cake.

2287. Made by my daughter and her friend.

2286. The kids' room is STILL clean.

2285. And I vacuumed the living room for the SECOND TIME THIS WEEK. This can only mean that the mess on the floor has been fairly well contained for most of the week as well.

2284. The disgusting concoction that I came up with for dinner was well received by everyone (else) in the family.

2283. Jonathan wanted to make something out of cut-outs of the hands of every member of the family. I suggested a tree. So Lainee traced her arm for the trunk and branches. We all traced our hands and cut out two each. Glitter initials were applied to the kids' hands. Jonathan cut out what he says is a heart. We put the family name on that and glued it to the trunk. The tree was assembled with our hands as leaves. It is now proudly displayed on our front door.

2282. Glitter makes kids happy.

2281. I remembered to stop at the Oreck store to buy bags for the vacuum cleaner. It's a good thing cuz we really needed them.

2280. I got my hair washed and cut today. Love that.

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