Friday, September 01, 2006


2542. Dinner with my family tonight. Everyone ate happily and well. Everyone was in a good mood. How lovely!

2541. Not losing Bethany's snuggler in Big Lots.

2540. Not losing Jonathan's snuggler at the restaurant.

2539. Not losing "it" when Jonathan peed on the floor at Big Lots.

2538. Finding curtains at Big Lots, and not paying a lot of money for them.

2537. And curtain rods were on sale this week at another store.

2536. Seeing the curtains at Ami's house, and realizing that what she did would work great where I need curtains, and would be less expensive than what I had in mind.

2535. Getting some time to work on scrapbooks last night.

2534. Getting a lot done, but getting home at a reasonable hour.

2533. A good first week of homeschooling.

2532. Not spending so much time on the computer.

2531. Getting a bunch of the spots off the carpet in the living room.

2530. My mom chatting with the kids on the phone while I was vacuuming. Even from 700 miles away, she can help with my housework just by keeping my kids out of the way for a little while.

2529. Not turning on the TV first thing this morning.

2528. Dancing in the living room with the kids.

2527. Lainee starting to "get" the concept of more and fewer.

2526. Playing pick-up-sticks with the kids on the back porch.

2525. And seeing them be honest when they moved a stick.

2524. Salmon for dinner last night.

2523. New underwear.

2522. All the kids helped do laundry today.

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