Friday, October 27, 2006


3251. Going out to eat with my in-laws.

3250. Jonathan in his jammies.

3249. Bethany's legs sticking out of her onesie.

3248. Lainee's laugh, and how quick she is to use it.

3247. Being home for the night in a quiet house while Paul, Lainee, and Jonathan sleep over at grandma and grandpa's.

3246. Having so many options for things to do with my free time that it's almost hard to decide.

3245. Got the lesson plans done for next week. And it's only Friday!!

3244. God placing initial ideas about how to teach Bible in my head.

3243. And also about how I might have to re-vamp Lainee's curriculum.

3242. Even though I wasn't prepared for it, we had enough popsicle sticks on hand today for the math demonstration.

3241. Chatting with my sister-in-law.

3240. I am getting quilt fever again. I sure do like quilting.

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