Sunday, October 29, 2006


3266. Time alone with Bethany this morning, during which we stacked the same three pillows over and over onto the couch, and knocked them over, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed...

3265. Time out with Lainee today running errands.

3264. Getting the stuff we need for school next week.

3263. Finding some recipes to try out at a favorite website of mine.

3262. A nap.

3261. Getting an extra hour of sleep tonight.

3260. Coffee.

3259. Paul came home with L and J and a boat-load of ice cream from the local ice cream place.

3258. John Piper's book Don't Waste Your Life.

3257. My dishwasher.

3256. My microwave.

3255. My stove.

3254. My refrigerator.

3253. Clean water to drink, any time I want it.

3252. The people who have sacrificed their lives so that I can live in this country and enjoy many of the blessings listed on this blog.

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