Thursday, January 26, 2006

Okay. Rethinking.

What I have noticed:
My original goal was to get 1050 things on this list by the end of 2006. Taking into consideration that I didn't start this blog until the third week of January, that amounts to identifying less than three blessings each day. And I have found that I can identify three blessings each day without any difficulty. In fact, at the rate I am going right now, I will reach my goal before half the year is even over.

As I have been listing my blessings for each day, I could easily be proud of myself for listing more than three things. But, what I really end up thinking is, hmmm, for all that God is doing in my life, you would think I could identify MORE! See, I know He's up to so much more. The problem is that I haven't trained myself to see beyond the obvious. So, three a day is easy, but TEN a day? That might be really hard... yet even ten wouldn't come close to numbering all the blessings God has bestowed in that day.

So, I need to revamp the plan. I need a goal that forces me to really look for blessings. You know, to keep me looking beyond what is obvious.

In light of this, I have a new goal.

3,200 blessings by the end of 2006.

How awesome will it be too look back in December at a list of 3,200 blessings God has given me this year?

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