Friday, January 27, 2006

Today I am thanking God for:

148. Word games.

147. A garage door opener.

146. Clean water. Hot or cold. At the ready, whenever I want it.

145. Lainee wore mismatched shoes today when we went out. Not too long ago this would have annoyed me. Now I just think it is funny. I like that I am (slowly) learning not to concern myself with the stuff that doesn't matter.

144. We have started to keep track of our spending again. We got away from that for a while. I feel much more at peace when I have PROOF that we aren't spending more than we're earning.

143. Someone from church "cleaned up" our old computer for free. Now we can set it up for the kids to use.

142. Someone agreed to watch the kids while I go to the social security office on Monday and try to straighten out whatever the problem is with getting B's SS card.

141. Bethany whines when I'm not holding her. I can let that bother me. But right now, it really is a good sign of attachment.

140. Another beautiful day. Warm enough to go to the park and let the kids swing, climb etc. They were so excited to do that.

139. Seeing Bethany's face as I pushed her on the swing. It was this kind of look like I have no idea what this thing is, but I REALLY like it!

138. The V. Family. It is so great to hang out with them. Husbands get along. Wives get along. Kids (same age) all get along. What a real blessing that is.

137. Chocolate pudding cake made in the slow-cooker.


Heather Hansen said...

Chocolate pudding in the slow-cooker?! Do share! I've never heard of such a thing.

PEZmama said...

If only it WAS chocolate pudding. But it was chocolate pudding CAKE. And I know you don't like cake.

This cake is extremely moist, though, so it doesn't have the same texture as regular cake. If you still want the recipe I can e-mail it to you.

Heather Hansen said...

Yes,email it. If I only use it at birthdays it will be an IMPROVEMENT on what I make now! LOL