Thursday, January 19, 2006

Praise goes to God for:

76. Rollin' with my homies. I love that saying. I never have opportunity to use it, but I think it would be fun if I could.

75. Jonathan's dance moves. He named one the "wiggly diggly." It's hilarious...

74. Points on credit cards. Free stuff - yay!

73. Green tea. (Do I put too much food on this list? What does this say about me?)

72. Personalities. Each of my kids has their own. I was watching my kids walk ahead of me this evening as we left the mall. I was about to get frustrated with something. But then I looked over and saw my son, who was apparently trying to see how many parts of his body he could wiggle at the same time. He was oblivious to everything else going on around him, just wiggling away. Cute.

71. Elevators, and escalators. I love it that we can still take our kids to the mall, pay $1.50 to ride the carousel, then ride elevators and escalators the rest of the time... and they still act like they are at some great amusement park or something.

70. Our kids' pediatrician. They guy rocks like cooling magma. I swear, I never leave that place without thinking how blessed we are to have such a great doctor for our kids.... and for me too. (You know how the pediatrician has the power to get you totally freaked out, or to make you feel calm and reassured. He does calm and reassured EVERY TIME!)

69. The nurses at the ped's office. One, in particular, who remembered out Christmas card and commented about that today. Once, after not seeing me for several months, she told me she liked my haircut. How do they remember so many people like that?

68. Hanging out with the family today. Game night is fun, but then anything where you get to act like a kid is usually fun.

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