Monday, January 16, 2006

The Rationale

It's pretty simple. I'm counting my blessings.

Here are a few questions you might be asking:

Why are you counting your blessings?
1. because the Bible tells us to be thankful (Colossians 3:15)
2. because writing down blessings is a great way of reminding myself that God is working in my life. Perspective. It's all about perspective, right?
3. because I want to know what God desires for me, and I don't figure I'll be able to discern that if I don't become proficient at identifying what he is doing in my life.
4. this gives God (a small portion of) the glory he deserves for his work in my life.

What do you consider a blessing?
Anything that I can see is being used by God to pour his grace into my life or the lives of others.

Do you have any specific goals in mind?
Indeed. To glorify God. (See #4 above.) In terms of numbers, I'd like to have 1050 blessings listed by the end of 2006. That's not even three a day. That's not even scratching the surface of what He's up to, so it should be doable. (This goal was redefined. Click here to read about it.)

Thanks for reading.


Unknown said...

If I were to take your idea and make a blessing post as well, would you be upset if I took your idea?

TulipGirl said...

I just love this idea.

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

This is a great idea. I love the verses you have used too. Do you mind if I make one too?
It is so great to look back at what the Lord has done over the past year.