Friday, January 20, 2006

Thank you, Lord, for:

91. Bethany is drinking milk. Buh-bye ridiculously overpriced formula!

90. Sometimes I say stuff that doesn't come out like I mean it. People don't always like how it sounds. I am so glad that God forgives me for that stuff and reminds me to THINK before I speak. (Too bad I don't always hear it!)

89. The C family's new baby.

88. M and J getting engaged.

87. My Sunday School class.

86. Lemon scented Lysol.

85. Saturday mornings and This Old House.

84. Toast. Well, two pieces of toast. Both with butter. One with strawberry jam.

83. The long nap that B and J took while I finished the MOPS article.

82. Clean bedrooms. Well, clean bedroom. Well, mostly clean bedroom. But thanks. I like how a mostly clean bedroom feels.


Anonymous said...

Re-think the milk. It will give your daughter big breasts and whatever else hormones are in the milk, unless you are drinking the soy or the really organic. She can get calcium from other sources. Wonder why the 11 year olds look like 17 year olds....milk!

PEZmama said...

thanks for the tip!