Sunday, January 29, 2006

Today's blessings from God:

170. Lainee discovered some of our perennials coming up out of the ground. They were so tiny, but she found them peeking up through the leaves that I never managed to clear out of the flower beds. She was so excited that she came to get me and showed me each one. The funny thing is, I did the same thing when I was a kid.

169. Having a mom who taught me about gardening and shared her love for watching things grow... so that I could enjoy it for myself and pass it on to my kids.

168. Soup and sandwich fellowship.

167. A pastor who volunteers in the nursery when he isn't preaching.

166. Taking Bethany to Sunday School this morning and seeing her reach for her teacher. For the first time she acted totally unconcerned that we were going to leave her in there. What a blessing to have PK be in there every week. Each week she endured the crying, and her patience has paid off - Bethany feels comfortable there. PK has been the SS teacher for all of my kids when they were in the "bed babies" class. What a blessing she has been to our family.

165. MLS. This woman is a dear, dear friend to our family, and especially to our children. Even Bethany loves her.

164. Paul's safety when he drives (sleepily) to and from work.

163. A really good sale. And getting my groceries done this weekend instead of doing them tomorrow. Then remembering, after the fact, that I NEEDED to get them done b/c of a commitment we have for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings this week. It's a blessing when things "just work out."

162. Being under budget.

161. When Bethany's schedule gets messed up and she isn't tired at bed time, we can still put her in her bed at bed time. She plays around and talks to herself until she is tired enough to go to bed. I love it.

160. A nap. A long nap. And my husband didn't even wake me up for his "turn" to nap (like I always do when he is the first to fall asleep on Sunday afternoon.)

159. Studying Nehemiah.

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