Sunday, February 12, 2006

Today was a lovely day. God gave me the following blessings:

310. My boy turned three. Love that boy.

309. Having family and friends over to share the day with my son. We are so blessed to have these people in our lives.

308. Birthday cake.

307. Watching the Olympics. I love watching the Olympics.

306. Snuggling my babe after she woke up tonight. So sweet. So crazy sweet.

305. Stain gaurd on the carpets.

304. A basketball hoop for Jonathan. He loves it.

303. Tonight, Mrs. Q offered to take the kids some time "so Paul can take you out to dinner." It just so happens we were planning a date for next Saturday, and we needed a someone. She agreed on the spot. Best part... it's FREE!

302. Kids who were tired at the end of the day.

301. Chatting with Helen this afternoon.

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