Sunday, March 05, 2006

532. Having M and J over tonight to hang with the fam.

531. A long nap this afternoon.

530. Getting some time to crochet.

529. Black bean salad (after it "ages" for a day) with tortilla chips.

528. Freshly whipped whipped cream.

527. The seeds we planted are sprouting. Yahoo, Yahoo! I love to watch things grow!

526. Lainee sat in the "adult" service tonight with a friend of hers. What did I like about this? That she is okay with sitting in "big" church? That she behaved well? That she has a friend she's willing to sit with? All of that, I guess.

525. A light rain this evening.

524. The Absolutely Eighties show with Nina Blackwood.

523. My hubby's birthday!

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