Saturday, March 11, 2006

606. Listening to Jonathan talk. He said something I didn't understand this evening. When I asked him to repeat it, he was already busy chugging on his sippy cup. He took a few more swallows, held up his finger, took a deep breath and said, "wait, I'm drinking." When he was finished drinking, he repeated his request.

605. The other night, the boy came up to me and said, "I want to watch the Weewimpics. (Olympics.)" Pointing to me, he said, "You wike the weewimpics, and daddy wikes the weewimpics (Pointing in the direction of his dad,) so I wike the weewimpics too! (pointing to himself.)

604. And my favorite is when he tries to use the word "myself," but does it wrong. Like "Mommy you need to give that to myself."

603. My headache is gone.

602. Reading "The Baby Bee Bee Bird" with my kids.

601. After waking up and screaming for about 20 minutes, I managed to get Bethany calmed down, asleep, and back in her bed.

600. The cotton balls that "someone" flushed down the toilet did not cause a clog.

599. Jonathan "softed" my back today... which means he gave me a "massage."

598. Lainee brushed my hair today.

597. My two older kids walked on my back today. Felt really good, and they enjoyed climbing on me. (They did all this pretending to take care of me. I did it because I was exhausted, and I couldn't lay down because neither of our nappers would take their naps.)

596. When nappers don't take naps, they are so easy to put to bed at night.

595. Bethany was not hurt when she fell over in the tub tonight. Thankfully, I was right there to catch her.

594. That sea otter at the museum was really cute.

593. The Boy Scouts left the plastic bags on doors today so people can leave them out with food in them next week. I love to do that, because it is so easy, and it reminds me how blessed we are to have cabinets FULL of food... now if I can only remember to set it out on Saturday and not forget (for the third year in a row!)

592. Getting rid of stuff I don't use.

591. The stain came out of my sweater.

590. Everything God does for me is for my good. I think I forget that sometimes. But even being disciplined is for my good.

589. I have much to learn about patience and pride, and God is allowing situations so that I will do that learning.

588. I did a puzzle all by myself, without anyone around to interrupt me. Aaaahh, relaxing.

587. All my kids are clean.

586. A very short wait at the Social Security office on Friday.

585. Bethany's Social Security application is being translated.

584. Antivirus software.

583. Learning to get over stuff.

582. Pancakes for breakfast.

581. Waffles - night time snack.

580. A long trip to the museum that everyone seemed to enjoy... including me (even though I wasn't looking forward to it when we left.)

579. Everyone happily eating lunch together at the museum.

578. Ice cream on the way home.

577. God answering prayers - reminding me about being gentle with my kids and speaking to them the way I'd want to be spoken to. I'm still learning here, but He's reminding me.

576. The patience God gives me.

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