Saturday, April 22, 2006

1046. The kids all got to go to a nice birthday party today. They had a good time.

1045. I forgot to mention the hambone. My MIL gave me the hambone from the Easter dinner. I love to have a hambone because it makes split pea w/ ham soup taste much better than the ham you get already diced from the store. Of course I rarely have a hambone. In fact, I've never had one, only received them from her. So I made spilt pea w/ ham soup...

1044. But there was so much ham left on the hambone that we had to cut a bunch off before I could put it in the pot. We made a good lunch of it. (Is anyone else singing "hambone, hambone, where you been?" to themselves?)

1043. Things are getting cleaner around here. I like doing some of the cleaning at night when there are no little children to get in the way.

1042. "Stuff" isn't much of an attraction for me. And less so as I get older.

1041. Seeing Lainee's face when I praised her for how quickly she learns songs.

1040. A grand idea. Something to give Lainee when she is older. I fear that if I write the details, she might read this when she gets older and it will spoil the surprise.

1039. Grape tomatoes

1038. A little time to write.

1037. Reading blogs of Christian ladies and not having any earthly idea what denomination they are.

1036. The two older kids ate their pork chops happily tonight.

1035. Warm days where the kids play outside for so long that when they come in for dinner, they haven't had a snack for a while and they are hungry and they EAT!

1034. Planting some seeds in the flower beds.

1033. Weeding the beds. It feels good to do that, though I have no idea why. And it looks so much better when they are done... especially after coming home w/ Bethany last fall and never cutting back all the old stuff before winter came.

1032. Pain on my hands from the little trowel I was using. Reminds me how easy my life really is.

1031. A clean van. My husband got tired of paying for the fuel to haul the extra 700 lbs of junk that was strewn all over it, so he cleaned it out!

1030. And I love being able to open the rear doors and see the floor in there.

1029. Lainee asked me to wash her stockings for church. Only she asked me this on Tuesday. I forgot all week. But somehow I remembered this evening AND I was able to FIND them and get them into the wash... even though she will probably forget that she wanted them, I am trying to DO what I say I will do.

1028. A blogging friend who has been infertile for years has just reported that she is now pregnant. If you think of it, please pray for her pregnancy. She has had miscarriages before.

1027. I washed that HUGE blanket that was taking up all the space in the laundry sorter and making all the other dirty clothes fall into a huge pile on the floor.

1026. Then I swept the floor. What in the name of all things sacred has come over me? Who sweeps the laundry room floor? It's madness, I'm telling you.

1025. Twice, now, I have posted "too many" blessings because I can't remember what number I ended my last post with. Kinda cool to name some "extras" without even trying.

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