Sunday, April 30, 2006

1132. Someone came up to me at church this evening and said, "I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Are you having a hard time?" Then she told me to let her know if she could help out whenever I needed something. Me thinks God's watching out for me.

1131. Someone prayed for/with me this morning, then hung around after the service to talk more about what is on my mind.

1130. Then, the same person offered to help out with our Sunday school class in whatever way we needed as we try to "rebuild" it.

1129. Lainee was too cute in her kids' choir performance tonight. She got to wear butterfly wings. You'd have thought the kid was in heaven.

1128. When I told our pastor that there is a slight chance that Paul won't be home in time for me to get to the Long Range Planning meeting tomorrow night, he just said "bring the kids." How's that for a family friendly church?

1127. It's raining. I like that.

1126. Got some vegetable seeds planted this past week. Trying cucumbers this year.

1125. And two of the sunflower seeds that Lainee planted are sprouting.

1124. Paul handed Bethany her purple snuggler this evening while she was having a screaming fit in her crib. Within a minute she was asleep. (Have we just hit on the key? Because she HAD the green snuggler with her. Does she just need the purple one? Or does she simply want two snugglers? Why am I trying to figure this out. It will all be different tomorrow!)

1123. When the coffee urn at church was empty this morning, my husband walked across the street to the gas station and bought me a cup of coffee.

1122. And some donuts.

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