Monday, August 28, 2006


2494. I got $25 off of our groceries tonight.

2493. And the other night, I had an uncomfortable feeling that the garbage I was about to put out had that coupon in it, as well as another voucher for a $10 coupon. I was right. What made me think to check the trash before I put it out? God, it seems. Because I would not have thought of it myself.

2492. Our first day of homeschooling went fairly well. The schedule needs some tweaking, but I am confident that God will work this out for us.

2491. I got up early and had a quiet time this morning. Nice.

2490. I've stopped asking God to "give" me patience, because I realize that, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He already has. But today I asked God to remind me to be patient. And he did.

2489. Quiche - to eat and to make, because I just happened to have everything I needed for it tonight... and those extra green onions didn't go to waste.

2488. God puts stuff on my mind to buy in advance at the grocery store. Like tonight when some snack food and juice were on sale, He reminded me that I will need to buy that stuff in a few weeks for when it's my turn to bring the kids' snacks for Bible study. See, He's watching out for me.

2487. Paul's meeting got moved to earlier this afternoon instead of this evening. That meant the grocery shopping schedule didn't have to be altered.

2486. Clearing out that shelf in the corner cabinet of the kitchen.

2485. Jonathan harvested our first tomato of the summer this evening. It was a tad under-ripe, but this being the last week of August, I am okay with that.

2484. The digital camera, which fell on a concrete walk and suffered a cracked (and now useless) LCD, still works with the viewfinder.

2483. Lainee likes to make Bethany laugh.

2482. And, maybe I am imagining this, but I think school has already had this maturing effect on her... Today she put her dishes in the dishwasher and put her clothes away without being asked. She did stuff like this all day long. Hmmmm.

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