Sunday, October 01, 2006


2868. The mercy and grace of God for my time of need. (Heb 4:14-16)

2867. I asked God to help me find Lainee's word cards that I had misplaced, and this morning, He led me right to them.

2866. I got some good time at the library for school planning yesterday.

2865. Took a long nap today.

2864. I Was able to encourage another mom who is in the midst of post partum depression. Thank you, God, that you use difficult times in our lives to make us more compassionate and able to sympathize.

2863. But, I am also reminded of how glad I am that those first six months of being a new mom are O.V.E.R.

2862. A long, and long overdue, conversation with Helen last night.

2861. Helen loves her new job.

2860. We took the kids to an international festival last night. For some reason, it gave me great joy to share a meal - literally with the same fork and out of the same container - with the kids. Bethany made a huge mess, but seemed to like what she was eating, (which doesn't happen much these days.)

2859. And the baklava. Oh, the baklava.

2858. And Lainee tried a new treat, and I was so proud of her for being brave enough to try something new... and she liked it too!

2857. Come to think of it, Bethany is trying (and liking) a lot of fresh fruits, lately.

2856. ANOTHER bag of clothes for Bethany from a church member.

2855. God is good. This is something that I take for granted. But He has reminded me of it a lot lately, and reminded me that He is able to work mighty things if we ask.

2854. One of the guys at church who works with the kids stopped me today to tell me what a good girl Lainee is.

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