Sunday, October 01, 2006


2877. Hearing Bethany's laugh.

2876. Arby's.

2875. Tonight, after I'd told Jonathan he was a cute boy, he told me, "you're cute too, mom." Then at bedtime, I said something I often say to him, "are you my lovin' boy?" To which he replied, "yeah, and you're still pretty."

2874. Hot green tea when I'm thirsty.

2873. The kids made us laugh today.

2872. Things don't always go the way I want them to. This is good for me. Very, very good for me.

2671. God's put me in a position to be in prayer for two different marriages that are under attack. What a privilege to intercede on their behalf.

2670. And to be reminded through that intercession that I am susceptible to the same kinds of dangers in my own marriage.

2869. A fantastic testimony about how God worked in the life of a church member through the recent mission trip to Mississippi.

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