Monday, October 09, 2006


3018. Eating cake with my family, celebrating Bethany's "Gotcha" Day.

3017. Seeing her face when I handed her a small book that we bought for her while we were in China for just this occasion. I have no idea why she seemed so happy to see it, but she was, and I like that.

3016. The kids' bean plants are growing all over the yard. (They went bonkers with a bag of lima beans a few weeks ago.)

3015. I got the kids bathed and in bed by 8:45. All by myself. Woo hoo!

3014. Change in plans for scrapbooking this week which ends up working out better for our family.

3013. Managed to keep Jonathan from napping this evening, which means that he went to sleep soon after going to bed.

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