Thursday, January 04, 2007

2007: 21 (4041)

21. A new year.

20. Happiness without drugs.

19. Getting over the winter hump, which exists only in my mind. Once all the Christmas stuff is on clearance and the days are getting longer, winter is as good as over to me.

18. Bethany did not seriously hurt herself when a chair fell on top of her and she used a (working) pellet stove to try to steady herself.

17. Doing something about my health.

16. Veggies.

15. Hummous. Even though my jar of it that I bought broke today, I am glad for hummous, because I like it AND it's good for me.

14. A new workout video.

13. A good first day back to homeschooling after the Christmas break.

12. Going to story time with the whole family.

11. Then walking over to the local restaurant and having lunch together.

10. Friendlies.

9. Bethany gave us a few good poses when we got her portraits done.

8. A large bag full of fabric scraps from my mother-in-law to use on some scrap quilts.

7. And some of those scraps are really just 3 yards of fabric she never used. All this fabric for FREE enables me to try some things I have been wanting to try. Then I can donate the quilts!

6. Ribs at my MIL's on New Year's Day.

5. Bethany slept all the way through the night last night.

4. Finding a coat that Jonathan has agreed to wear. On clearance.

3. A great picture of Paul and the kids.

2. My sink is clean.

1. Paul grilled pork chops for dinner tonight. I got out the applesauce and heated up the mac and cheese that Deana made for our meal-sharing group.

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